Vertical Mile Challenge

The VMC invites new and returning hikers to climb 5,280 feet. Hiking a Vertical Mile in Burlington is significant because it is like going up and down the Empire State Building twice. You don’t do this in one day, since it can be completed in less than seven days with the longest hike being 3.9 miles Check out the 52 great hiking options in Burlington. Click here to download more information and an application.
After completing a Vertical Mile, mail in your application. You will receive your award patch and certificate.
Connecticut Century Corps

The CCC challenges hikers to experience 100 trail miles in Connecticut. A 100 miles is about the distance across the northern border of Connecticut. This could be completed just in Burlington, since it has over 230 miles of hiking options, but adding any of Connecticut’s Blue-Blazed Trails would make it more interesting. If you have an injury or other problems, you can combine 2 or 3 years of hiking. Click here to download more information and an application.
The trailhead locations use latitude & longitude directions since there is rarely a street address. For example, cut & paste this location into a Google Map search: 41.732830, -72.955389 On Google search Satellite view and you should see the parking lot next to the flagpole at Sessions Woods. Add your own address for detailed directions. The trail maps can also be useful in locating the trail-head.
Plan your hike by exploring all your choices from the Hiking Trail Maps link below. Put it on your cell phone or print it out.
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Both programs are free to Burlington Land Trust members. If you're not a member you can join by clicking here.