Calling all volunteers!!
Have you ever thought about leading a hike? Here’s an opportunity to learn how.
We need your help for the Burlington Land Trust’s Trails Day Event on Sunday, June 4 at 12:45 at Sessions Woods!
We are doing an event in conjunction with the Harry C. Barnes Memorial Nature Center in Bristol and we anticipate a large turnout. In order to make the event a special experience for all participants, we would like to break the big group down into smaller groups (8-10 people). Therefore, we need several hike leaders and sweeps (The sweep makes sure that everyone is okay and still with the group.) We plan to mark designated spots along the trail for leaders to stop and share information about the trail. We will put together a packet with information and photos you can share with participants at these spots. We will send this packet and tips on being a hike leader to you ahead of time of time to review.
The BLT and BNC will do a practice hike on Saturday, May 6 at 10:00 am. The practice hike will begin at Sessions Woods by the flagpole, be 4.2 miles long and last approximately three hours. If you are interested in leading a group or serving as a sweep, please contact Karen Geitz at Attendance is mandatory at the practice hike on May 6th if you would like to lead or sweep. Please let Karen know which volunteer position you would like to do.
Who knows? You may enjoy the experience and want to lead other hikes for the BLT!!!
The Burlington Land Trust truly appreciates its volunteers.
We thank you for considering participation in this fun event!